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Byju’s layoffs lead to financial and emotional turmoil for employees

  Byju’s layoffs lead to financial and emotional turmoil for employees Byju’s from a sales associate to a team leader in three years. His recent promotion included a 50% salary increase, bringing his annual income to Rs 13.05 lakh, which prompted him to buy a home for his parents in Mumbai. Raj secured a Rs 75 lakh home loan, making a Rs 30 lakh down payment and covering the rest with Rs 59,000 monthly EMIs. Despite working in Bengaluru and managing living expenses, Raj invested another Rs 10 lakh to furnish the flat. Confident in Byju’s future, Raj felt secure. However, on August 10, he was laid off. Unable to sustain the steep EMIs without his salary, Raj sold the house at a Rs 20 lakh loss after struggling to find a new job with half his previous salary.

Conquering the Cyber Jungle: Your Guide to Digital Safety and Security

Conquering the Cyber Jungle: Your Guide to Digital Safety and Security. Cybersecurity: Keeping Your Digital World Safe (No Worries, It's Not Scary!) Think of the internet as your awesome new neighborhood. It's full of exciting things to explore, like games, shops, and ways to connect with friends. But just like any neighborhood, there are some areas you need to be careful in. That's where cybersecurity comes in! Cybersecurity is like having a friendly neighborhood watch program that keeps your online stuff safe. It's all about protecting your information and devices from bad guys trying to steal it or cause trouble. Here are some simple tips to make your online adventures safe and secure: Choose strong passwords: Imagine a password as your house key. A strong password is like a complicated key that's hard for anyone else to guess. Try mixing uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols for extra strength. Be careful what you share online: Think before you

Do you think layoffs from top IT companies are just the beginning and many more will follow?

 ## Layoffs in IT: Just the Beginning or a Temporary Blip? The recent wave of layoffs in top IT companies has sparked concern about the future of the industry and whether this is just the beginning of a wider trend. While it's difficult to predict the future with certainty, several factors suggest both potential risks and opportunities for the tech workforce. **Possible Drivers of Further Layoffs:** * **Economic Slowdown:** Global economic challenges like inflation, rising interest rates, and potential recession could impact demand for IT services and products, leading to workforce adjustments. * **Overhiring:** Rapid expansion during the pandemic might have resulted in overstaffing, necessitating downsizing as the economy slows. * **Technological Advancements:** Automation and AI are rapidly transforming the industry, potentially displacing human workers in certain roles. * **Market Saturation:** Certain segments, like social media and streaming services, might be reaching saturat

Does the company you are in and position you hold for your job reflect your intelligence? For example, working in FTSE 500 companies, Big 4, Google, etc

 Whether the company you work for and the position you hold reflect your intelligence is a complex question that depends on several factors. Here are some points to consider: **Arguments for:** * **Selectivity and Competition:** Companies like FTSE 500, Big 4, and Google have rigorous recruiting processes and attract a large pool of talented applicants. Landing a job in such a company may indicate that you possess above-average intelligence and skills. * **Challenging Work:** These companies typically deal with complex problems and require employees to be intellectually adept to solve them. Successfully navigating these challenges suggests a high level of intelligence. * **Learning Opportunities:** Working in such companies often involves continuous learning and exposure to cutting-edge technologies and practices. This can contribute to intellectual growth and further develop your intelligence. **Arguments against:** * **Subjectivity of Intelligence:** Intelligence is a multifaceted co

Unleashing the Future: AI and ML's Impact on You and the World

 Hey there, tech enthusiast! Remember that time you thought self-driving cars were just science fiction? Well, guess what? AI and ML are making it happen, and that's just the tip of the iceberg! These technologies are changing things faster than ever, from healthcare and finance to art and design. It's like having a superpower that helps us create, learn, and solve problems in ways we never imagined. Here's a taste of what's hot right now: * Machines writing amazing stories and translating languages like a pro? It's called "Large Language Models" and it's changing the game for communication and creativity. * Ever heard of AI learning through playing games? It's called "Deep Reinforcement Learning" and it helps robots master complex skills, making them even better at their jobs. * Imagine AI composing music and creating new artwork. That's "Generative AI" at work, and it's opening up a whole new world of possibilities. *

जीरोधा का भविष्य: निरंतर विकास और नई ऊंचाइयां

**भारत के वित्तीय परिदृश्य में, जीरोधा एक क्रांति से कम नहीं है।** इस ऑनलाइन डिस्काउंट स्टॉक ब्रोकर ने कम लागत और ग्राहक-केंद्रित दृष्टिकोण के साथ खुद को एक प्रमुख खिलाड़ी के रूप में स्थापित किया है। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि यह कैसे इतना सफल हुआ और कैसे आप भी इससे लाभ उठा सकते हैं? [Image of Zerodha logo] **चलिए, जीरोधा के चौंकाने वाले बिजनेस मॉडल के रहस्यों को उजागर करें:** **कम लागत का जादू:** जीरोधा की सफलता का सबसे बड़ा कारण है उसकी कम लागत का मॉडल। इंट्राडे और फ्यूचर एंड ऑप्शन ट्रेडों के लिए केवल ₹20 प्रति ऑर्डर का फ्लैट शुल्क, उद्योग में सबसे कम दरों में से एक है। यह पारंपरिक ब्रोकरों द्वारा लगाए जाने वाले भारी शुल्कों के विपरीत है, जिससे जीरोधा अधिक आकर्षक विकल्प बन जाता है। [Image of a bar graph representing Zerodha's growth in customer base] **ग्राहक पहले:** जीरोधा का पूरा फोकस ग्राहक अनुभव पर है। यह एक उपयोगकर्ता-अनुकूल ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफॉर्म प्रदान करता है जो सभी के लिए उपयोग में आसान है, भले ही आप एक अनुभवी व्यापारी हों या सिर्फ शुरुआत कर रहे हों। इसके अतिरिक्त, जीरोधा व

जीरोधा का चौंकाने वाला राज: ₹20 में ट्रेड करें और लाखों कमाएं! जानें पूरा बिजनेस मॉडल

  जीरोधा का बिजनेस मॉडल: कम लागत, अधिक कमाई का राज जीरोधा भारत का प्रमुख ऑनलाइन डिस्काउंट स्टॉक ब्रोकर है, जिसने कम लागत और ग्राहक-केंद्रित दृष्टिकोण के साथ खुद को स्थापित किया है। क्या आप जानते हैं कि यह कैसे पैसे कमाता है? आइए जीरोधा के बिजनेस मॉडल के रहस्यों को उजागर करें: 1. फीस और शुल्क: * **₹20 प्रति ऑर्डर का फ्लैट ट्रेडिंग शुल्क:** इंट्राडे और F&O ट्रेडिंग के लिए, उद्योग में सबसे कम में से एक। * **₹200 का अकाउंट खोलने का शुल्क:** गंभीर व्यापारियों को आकर्षित करता है। * **डिमैट खाता रखरखाव, निष्क्रियता आदि के लिए छोटे शुल्क।** **2. प्रोत्साहन, लाभांश और ब्याज:** * ग्राहकों के ट्रेडों से ब्रोकरों के नेटवर्क से प्रोत्साहन। * निवेश पर लाभांश और ब्याज से अतिरिक्त आय। **3. डेटा और टेक्नोलॉजी:** * एकत्रित डेटा से सॉफ्टवेयर और टूल का विकास, जिन्हें अन्य संस्थानों को बेचा जाता है। * अत्याधुनिक ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफॉर्म और टेक्नोलॉजी के लिए लाइसेंस शुल्क। **4. मूल्य वर्धित सेवाएं:** * अनुसंधान रिपोर्ट, स्टॉक स्क्रीनर और मार्जिन फंडिंग जैसी सेवाएं अतिरिक्त शुल्क पर। **जीरोधा की सफलता के कारण